In the current moment of global pandemic we continue to believe that one of the political tasks of the commons is to generate again a sense of collective ascription, where the idea of ‘re-enchanting the city’ means to be able to recognise again, in our bodies, in our lives, that all these apparently disconnected processes of taking care of each other, gardening, building cooperatives, creating alternative economies, not only make sense but are linked as part of a social system.
This book (in Spanish), which has benefited from the support and participation of Commonspolis, presents experiences, recently carried out in Spanish and Italian cities, where people are thinking about how to rearticulate and reformulate the sphere of social reproduction from the local scale.
Preface. Re-enchanting the City: A Conversation with Peter Linebaugh
I. Legal tools for the becoming-common of the public, Ana Méndez de Andés, David Hamou and Marco Aparicio
II. Housing as commons: emerging legal issues, Mara Ferreri
III. Inhabiting the city in common: social movements and struggles for the right to housing, David Hamou
IV. Urban water and its reconceptualisation as a commons, Edurne Bagué
V. Energy and commoning: rethinking the energy sector from the commons, Anaïs Varo
VI. Digital Commons. Beyond Openness in Informational, Cognitive and Platform Capitalism, Antonio Calleja-López and David Vila-Viñas
VII. Public space, civism and the commons, Marco Aparicio and Ana Méndez de Andés
VIII. Urban and collective civic use, Giuseppe Micciarelli
IX. Food commons: an opportunity for the territorialisation of urban food systems, Sergi Escribano Ruíz
X. Health as collective care, Marta Pérez, Pantxo Ramas, Irene Rodríguez Newey, Carmen Lozano Bright and Marta Malo de Molina.
Conclusions: Proposals for building the public in common
The authors