It all started with a series of events that turned out to be the founding moments of the CommonsPolis dynamic.
1st Event: July, 2016. Work discussion in Cabanyal (Valencia), and Public Debate: “Rebellious Cities: How to change Europe from the Municipal level”
At the request of Empodera Consultores (Sergi Escribano and Vladimir Ugarte), members of Barcelona en Comú, Valencia en Comú and Marea Atlántica were gathered with the following purposes:
Facilitate the interconnection among work groups and commissions from the main municipalist platforms created to address international matters;
Contribute to establish ties with French civic organizations working to promote the municipalist way beyond the Pyrenees;
Establish collaborations in France and Europe promoting reflections on commons, decent housing, migration etc.
2nd Event: November, 2016. Public Debate in the Women’s House in Paris, on “Transitioning Cities and Civic Struggles”, and Work Seminar in the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation.
Convened by CommonsPolis and the French popular education organization Utopia, over 40 activists and main civic (focusing on commons and transition) organization members from France, Belgium and Switzerland came together in Paris with the following purposes:
Exchange about the muncipalist strategy, its challenges and roadmaps with the Spanish State confluence platforms delegation;
Identify outlooks and opportunities that may facilitate a municpalist process in francophone Europe.