The “LITURA” project (an idea by Alessandro Paschitto, a student at the Paolo Grassi Civic Theatre School in Milan), starts on May 1st, Workers’ Day, a symbolic date to alert to the absence of theatres and those working in art, culture and entertainment. A sector considered superfluous, perhaps “less necessary” than the others…
The idea is to film an empty theatre, the Asilo, with a fixed camera, making it available in streaming for 24 hours and for the duration of the next phases provided for by the Covid-19 decrees (indefinite time for the moment). On the screen, a digital counter will record the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds during which the stage space will remain deserted. The Asilo Theatre was chosen because it is a living space of the city, part of the national and international network of common goods, open, interdisciplinary, and in this period it would have been crossed by performances, artist residencies, seminars, the Elementary School of Theatre, concerts, assemblies, cultural events of all kinds.
A symbolic ‘NO start’ to begin a critical dialogue with the press and communication sectors to foster dialogue with the realities of the theatre, large and small, for the construction of a more solid cultural network, more necessary than ever in this critical moment and in the coming months for the future of the performing arts.
The streaming link was published on Facebook and YouTube accounts and on Asilo’s website ( at midnight on the first of May. We are asking you to help us spread it, as a gesture of solidarity for the workers.